

Arboretume Home Page

Volunteers of the Wilmington Arboretum

Genus: Thymus vulgaris
Common Name: English Thyme
Description: Spectacular ornamental herb with purple blooms and tiny evergreen leaves. Use between stepping stones, will tolerate light foot traffic & dry conditions. Works well in mixed beds or in pots when allowed to trail over the edges. Showy flowers and aromatic foliage.
Bloom Time:
Size: 12" tall
Growth Rate:
Exposure: Full Sun to Partial
Hardiness: Zone 5-9
Soil: Well Drained
Uses: For gardens: Herb gardens, containers, flower borders For Culinary: Blended herb mixtures, soups, sauces, butters, beans, meat dishes
Plant Toolbox: https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/thymus-vulgaris/
Other Link:
English Thyme