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Volunteers of the Wilmington Arboretum

Genus: Aloysia triphylla
Common Name: Lemon Verbena
Description: A tender perennial in a sheltered location. Lemon verbena can be a bit finicky and will respond to stress by dropping its leaves. Don't give up too quickly on the plant, however, because it may produce more leaves. Some gardeners overwinter their lemon verbena indoors by withholding water late in the outdoor growing season, triggering the plant to enter dormancy, and then bringing it indoors. Other gardeners simply start with fresh plants each spring.
Bloom Time:
Size: 2-5 ft high
Growth Rate:
Exposure: Full Sun to Partial
Hardiness: Zone 9-11
Soil: Rich organic
Uses: Potpourris; lemon flavor for drinks, salads, desserts, fish & poultry; prized for its aromatic leaves which scent the area with citrus like fragrance. In terms of companion planting, it is a good influence on plants nearby, attracts bees.
Plant Toolbox:
Other Link: https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/aloysia-citriodora/
Lemon Verbena