

Arboretume Home Page

Volunteers of the Wilmington Arboretum

Genus: Allium schoenoprasum
Common Name: Chives
Description: Chives belong to the same family as onion, leeks and garlic. They are a hardy, drought-tolerant perennial growing to about 10-12 inches tall. They grow in clumps from underground bulbs and produce round, hollow leaves that are much finer than onion. In mid-summer, they produce round, pink flowers similar in appearance to clover.
Bloom Time:
Size: 12" high
Growth Rate: Moderate
Exposure: Full Sun - Partial
Hardiness: Zone 3-10
Soil: loamy, sandy
Uses: a great pollinator and attracts beneficial insects; Edible flowers, leaves for flavoring, eggs, soups, salads, butter, cheese, dips, spreads. Attractive in flower border Practice companion planting with Cucumber, carrots, tomatoes.
Plant Toolbox: https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/allium-schoenprasm/
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